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Life is like a battlefield..its ur choice to fight on...


I'm Engkuan!
This is my blog
I am in home
If you dont like me
you may leave.
If you does like me
Please stay!
Thank You
Tagged before leaving!

ChatBox :D




Do not take down the credits or I'm going to skin you alive if I see your blog using my skin w/o credits!

Layout by: irislauxinyu
Remake by: Calvin

The past goes, the present stays, the future comes.
Sunday, 15 December 2013 at 2:37 pm

Last post before this blog dies with my past. In my life right now, I'm very happy. There's no need to have a blog to vent my feelings anymore. I have friends to rely and talk to. Right now, I'm a Christian. My life is happy now. I have friends, I have a happy family, I have a steady school life. And let's go all out, I don't like my secondary school crush anymore. She went her way, I went mine. Now in my high school, I'm having a normal school life, not liking anybody, not being special and not being someone else. I'm doing what Jesus wants me to do! I'm doing my best, I'm changing my ways. All my memories in 2011-2013. I'll remember them till I die. Bad, good, happy or sad. My phone contains everything. I'm happy with the way I am now. Right now is Christmas, I'm prepped for it. In 2014, I want to confess that one little thing I've always hid. I've liked this one girl. But by then, I'll say. I do not like her anymore! We're just friends. Just classmates. At most, friends.

The past, let it go. The present, live the best. The future, choose it. Now this blog, my past, will now die. All my sadness will die along with this blog. Goodbye, old me. I'm moving on to my future. I'm living my best life, in Jesus Christ! Hello future me, let's get along well, and make this small life the best!

Truly, life is really a road, full of choices, not a game, but a road with split paths. That's all. This is the last post. Never this blog will be alive again, under the soil of the earth and never be dug up again.

                                                      Life Is A Road Of Choice

Do you know well?
Sunday, 23 September 2012 at 10:19 pm

Today my brother asked me about something and I answered wrongly. Oh yeah, that's about my father. Then he asked me, do you really understand your dad? That left me ponder. Really. Sometimes people really say that they know someone, but they do not understand someone. To know someone is to know their hobbies etc. But to understand someone is to understand them inside out. Like a best friend. My friend once said. Know me, better know me well, if not you can go to
 hell. I heard that. Nonsense came to my mind. Know you well? Otherwise I will go to hell? I rather understand some people than to know
. That's the best part of knowing friends. Once you understand someone. No other people will blond your judgement of your friend. Choose. To know or to understand.
                       Life is A Game of Choice.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012 at 9:59 pm

Heard that PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examinations) is going to be no more. Heard it from my friend anyways. But they say is was unfair. But that's change. Really this world is changing every moment. Why do people still cannot accept that the change is coming and still hanging on to the past. To me, the past only brings me hateful memories of the past me. That's why I'm curious and waiting for the future and cherishing and living my best in the present.
Hanging on the Past is not that bad. At least you have something to refer back to. You still have something to look back to. Not that bad. But it all comes down to how do you think about the situation. Leave the past and look the future. Or just turn your back, face and hang on to the past. Your choice. You choose.

                          Life is a Game of Choice.

Monday, 17 September 2012 at 10:20 pm

Yea. I just came across some vulgar people today. Of they scold you, what will you do? Like bash them up or just ignore them. Or even reprimand them. For me, I'll just ignore them. But when your friend scolds you hurtful things. What will you do? Lash back at them? No need to stoop down your level as the same as them. Be sensible and mature and do the right thing. For me I'll just roll up my eyes and just ignore them. Its their mouth. I can't control it. So just let them scold as much as they want. But when they hit what they should not hit like bringing my parents into the picture. Guess what. I'll just raise my fist let it do the talking. Well today its a bit off. Not all those lessons that regards life. But this tells you that whatever you do. Think then you act. That's the best course.
                         Life Is A Game Of Choice.

at 8:23 am

Am i really being thankful for what everybody had done for me? In the past I don't really was thankful for what my teachers did and thought of them as irritating and those things are just useless. But someone taught me, be thankful for what others have done, best that you repay them. I always have that in mind. Always know that, what you do good to other people, will not have a repay back from him. But you know that you did a good thing.

                    Life is a Game of Choice

Sunday, 16 September 2012 at 7:30 pm

Does being alone really good? I always like to question myself this. Sometimes being alone brings me a lot of peace for thinking things through. Quite a lot I dare say. But on the opposite, I love being alone as much as having company around me. Lots of laughter. I am willing to say that being alone is never the best. I felt that before. I was a loner. Hated people around me, so I left myself out. And all I felt is feelings bottled up inside me and wanting to shout everything out. That's all. So I dare say. Make some friends. Mix with them. Soon you will know, being lonely is never good.

                      Life is a Game Of Choice

Friday, 14 September 2012 at 6:21 pm

Class photo huh.... I don't need them.. They are just pieces of things that only makes you remember those silly memories. That's what they do. Nothing else.